One of the biggest changes to expect from pregnancy is the extreme physical changes it brings to our bodies (that’s a no-brainer). I’m talking about all the stretching, growing, hormonal imbalance, and weight gain we are gifted on our journey as mothers (fun, right?).
But aside from the belly size difference, I’m also referring to what comes to follow afterwards that every mama despises: stretch marks. Let’s be honest, stretch marks are unavoidable, and all mothers (unless you are that one in a million that is lucky enough not to have them) will get them no matter how big or small their baby is. Many women get self conscious and choose to let these stretch marks control how they live their life after pregnancy, while others like myself choose to embrace them (but trust me, I wasn’t always that way).
I honestly used to be incredibly self conscious about this in my first pregnancy as well, but learned to embrace it because to me it represented such a beautiful blessing in my life that I fought to have.
But before I got to this point, I was struggling quite a bit with body image, and I did use a few products for decreasing the visibility of these tiger stripes that were an absolute life savior to me that want to share with you today! So, if you’re considering laser removal on these marks – baby girl, hold up! There are plenty of cost friendly options out there that you can use to help minimize your stretch marks instead (and they’re completely safe!). So, without further ado, let’s talk about how you can scare those scars away, and say hello to your self confidence again!
Best Pregnancy Stretch Mark Creams
1 ♥ The Burt Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Will You Marry Me?
This is the number one most recommended stretch mark cream on the internet, and the number one stretch mark cream that I would also recommend to you as well (no, seriously!). In the beginning, I thought it was a long-shot trying a product like this because it seemed too good to be true, but before I knew it, I was religious about using this in my first pregnancy every morning and night, and there’s a reason for that! Not only is it great because it doesn’t have a fragrance (which is good for those sensitive skin people like me), but it also didn’t leave any greasy residue, unlike most creams and lotions.
It would also always leave my skin feeling soft and smooth, and any stretch marks that I had, I swear I couldn’t see unless I had a magnifying glass (did someone say happy dance?). Most products nowadays are all about marketing ploys with no actual results, which is why I was skeptical in the beginning, but this specific pregnancy stretch mark cream works like a jewel, and I noticed a huge decrease in the visibility of my stretch marks in only a few weeks!
You don’t even need to have your baby yet to start using it either, start rubbing this on your belly while you’re pregnant like I did, and it will help you to fight each bit of stretch as it comes, which will make it a heck of a lot easier to keep away! If you can’t tell by my enthusiasm, I’m just a little in love. Burt Bees, will you marry me?
2 ♥ Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy – AKA My True Love
I actually hadn’t used this mederma stretch mark cream until my best friend who swore by it recommended it to me (and thank all that is good that she did!). I also read tons of mederma stretch mark cream reviews and was sold when I heard most mothers raving about it. My friend had dozens of terrible bright red stretch marks all down her belly after her first pregnancy (big twin boys), and was very embarrassed by them. I tried to get her hooked on Burt Bees to help her heal them, but she told me that she had already started seeing her stretch marks from her pregnancy start going after just one use of using this Merderma cream (one use? I know, I spit my coffee all over the computer too). I never really believed her when she said it was that good, because, what stretch mark cream for pregnancy works after only one application?
And of course, I was still in love with my boy Burt Bees (love you, boo), and didn’t want to make a change, but my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to!
And since then, oh honey, I am prepared to leave my husband for this product and marry it instead (sorry, not sorry, hubby!) because it is so incredible! Just like what my friend said and what many online articles say, I honestly felt like I saw a considerable amount of difference in the visibility of these marks after only one application of this pregnancy stretch mark cream. Of course they weren’t gone completely, but I was seeing results right away and that’s something that other stretch mark creams haven’t shown me yet. My skin was glowing, radiant, and I was gaining my confidence back! And at only $30, this is a total steal!
And just like above, I found another post that I had to mention that also talked about essential oils and their many forms of healing (who knew, right?). This time, Morgan discusses how much she has grown to love essential oils because of their incredible power. And while this isn’t a stretch mark cream, it does give you another option to find another natural method that may work for you as well alongside the cream to reduce your scars. If you’re like me, you Amazon Prime’d those oils immediately after about them (because, hello bikini body!)!
3 ♥ E-raorganics Stretch Mark Cream… Hubba, Hubba!
E-raorganics, oh, E-raorganics… where do I begin with you? This cream to help make stretch marks from pregnancy go away is honestly a lot different than the other two (in a good way!), and that’s why I love it so much! This brand unlike the other two promises to prevent future stretch marks (like an anti-stretch mark cream) while still healing previous ones (oh, how I wish I had known about it at the start of my pregnancy!).
I absolutely adore it because it is completely natural, extremely gentle, and incredibly effective. While I wasn’t able to snag this in my first pregnancy before I got stretch marks, I used this same brand for both my second and third babies, and if I’m being totally honest, I saw a huge decrease in the amount of stretch marks I received with those two compared to the first, and I truly do believe that I have E-raorganics to thank!
I would highly suggest you pick up your own bottle next time you’re in town, and watch your own miracle unfold.
Overall, there are several natural, safe, and incredible stretch mark creams and treatments on the market, instead of experimenting with many until you find the right one, at least you’ve got a few that are tried and proven by not only me, but many of my mommy friends aswell. And across us, we have quite a few stretch marks that we had to get rid of!
Just remember above all, you are perfect and beautiful exactly the way you are. Those stretch marks should not define you, rather, they should be a reminder of how strong you are, and a reminder of the most beautiful blessing in your life: your baby. And that makes them all worth it in the end, doesn’t it?